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Does Your Venue Offer a Unique Experience?

Dogwood Meadows Venue

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

does your venue offer a unique experience

In the world of weddings and wedding venues the idea is to offer something unlike what the market already has on display. You want to offer a unique experience to the guests which allows them to have memories and stories to tell for a lifetime. The differences might be subtle but that does not mean it will not make a difference in the eyes of your clients, compared to the run of the mill banquet hall. This could be something as small as telling the guests why you decided to be a part of the wedding market or it could be a unique feature added to the venue such as 12-foot-tall repurposed barn doors for the bride to walk through on her grand entrance (shameless plug here). No matter what the experience might be you want the guests to leave knowing that this is unique to what you offer at your venue.

What sets venues apart from one another?

As a participant in the venue market place here in Tennessee, Dogwood Meadows offers a farm / barn style wedding venue with over 7,000 square feet barn space that holds up to 200 guests. This is not necessarily unique to us but what does make Dogwood Meadows unique is that the venue is located on a working livestock farm in the middle of the Cumberland Mountains. The view from the venue boasts some of the most beautiful sunrise and sunset pictures imaginable. The barn that is now the main reception hall with bride and groom suits used to be a fully functional livestock working area at C & H Farms. The open-air wedding ceremony area has two white rustic 12-foot barn doors that swing open to present the bride as she walks down the aisle. The wooden counter tops in the grooms suit, benches, and bar top are all made from wood taken from the land that the venue is built on. These are specific details that make our venue a unique experience.

does your venue offer a unique experience

The previous paragraph outlines some of the unique aspects that make us here at Dogwood Meadows different that other venues. These are specific to us and we love our ideas when it comes to weddings but that does not mean that our way is the only way of course. You want to discover what people want in a venue and then help to make that happen by completing their vision. It is your job to envision what they could use to make their dream wedding come to life. It might be difficult for some to put themselves in the mindset of a bride and groom but there are always ways to seek out what a young couple might envision in a ceremony space. Talk with other venues or maybe go directly to the source by engaging with wedding pages on social media.

The story matters

One aspect that is definitely unique to your venue is the story behind the venue. What got you started? Why do you have a passion for the wedding venue business? What was the first thing you did to make you dream come true of owning a venue? Did it used to be something else before it became a venue? Lay out a timeline from the conception of your venue to the current place you have gotten it to. People have always enjoyed a good story that adds meaning to what they are buying into. Sharing these characteristics of your journey helps them to understand they are making a good choice by choosing your venue. These are aspects of your journey that should be told to your clients. Even if you have just begun the first step in getting into the wedding business using your story is a great jumping off point to begin to get intrigue into what is to come.

does your venue offer a unique experience

In Conclusion

No matter where you are in the process of getting into the wedding industry understand that people want variety. Any venue can look good given a little bit a creativity but what drives people to want to use your specific venue? If you were taking an objective look at your plans, layouts, features, and current structures are they unique enough to make a bride and groom skip the closest venue to them to come to yours? If you can answer that with a stern yes, then you are well on your way to owning a successful business. Keep in mind trends will change and time will pass so stay on top of what is driving brides to be attracted to certain ideas and you will lead from the front instead of trying to play catch up.

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